Thursday, October 28, 2010

Helpful Information from Geert Lovink's Presentation

Reclaim your facebook privacy

Openbook lets you search public Facebook updates using Facebook's own search service. (Here's more about it--read up and know how you're affected too.)

If you're going to commit virtual suicide (disconnect from online social networks), here are some sites to retrieve the information you've already put out there:
Give me my data
web 2.0 suicide machine

Here are some sites that aim to A) show you how "bad" closed-source social networks like facebook are or B) want you to become members of their open-source social network sites:
Virtual Suicide Club
No-FAcebook Dating (no FAD)
open source networks:
apple seed project

For all you artists out there who are looking for a way to generate money for your projects and for all you people who want to help support artists' projects:

So, I'll be letting you know when I have accounts with Flattr, Kickstarter, and Kachingle because I will so be needing help with future projects.

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